It protects my garage and at the same time makes my house look great. This is why when I see something wrong with my door, I want it resolved ASAP. A few days ago, I was coming back home from work, I pressed the button on my Liftmaster door opener remote. Thinking that the door would open as it always did, I moved the car forward to get into the garage when suddenly I saw that the door wouldn't open. I had to slam my foot on the brakes and was barely able to avoid crashing my car into the door. Since such a thing had never happened to me, I went into panic mode and kept pressing the button on the remote but the door remained as motionless as ever.
When I finally regained my composure I realized that something was off and decided it best to call Garage Door Repair New Milford and ask for their assistance. They were very quick to respond and told me that a team of technicians is being dispatched to my home to check out the problem immediately. The team arrived within a short while and began their inspection of the door. In the beginning they tried replacing the batteries of the remote and resetting the keypad to get the door working again but when that failed they were sure that the problem was with my door opener and not with the remote.
On close examination of my door opener, the technicians all agreed that the door opener was not responding because it was too old. They asked me when I had last changed my Liftmaster door opener and I had to admit that the thought never crossed my mind. The technicians told me that the door opener I had installed in my door had become quite obsolete and there were newer versions available. I was too happy to agree with them so they immediately set out replacing my old door opener with a new one. The team was very careful in noticing the model of my door so that they could install a door opener that was compatible with my garage door. After the door opener was replaced, the door started working properly again which was a big relief for me.